Lisa Coulter

As a Learning Coach I am committed to working alongside teachers and enjoy opportunities where I can spend time in classrooms exploring a variety of curricular areas and grade levels. I enjoy designing engaging learning experiences with teachers with the intention that these designs will grow the students understanding in curriculum and developing the competencies.

I am an avid reader and a few of my favourite authors are: Kath Murdoch, Katie Wood Ray, John A. Van de Walle and Matt Glover just to name a few. A particular passion of mine is exploring play as a pedagogical practice and how play can nurture and grow the competencies in our children and also the relationship play has with developing literacy and numeracy skills.

I support the Deeper Learning work at South Oaks School and Southwood School and although I have a specific interest in Numeracy in the Early Years, I enjoy exploring all curricular areas.


Building Safety in Math Class

“How can we invite all our students to feel comfortable sharing their ideas in math class?” “We are working on communicating our thinking in math but I have some students that don’t want to share their ideas.” ” I have students that are reluctant to talk in math class, I want them to feel comfortable…

Mar 6, 2020 · Lisa Coulter

Using Literature as a Context for Problem Solving in Math

A team of Early Years teachers from Southwood School and I attended a mRLC workshop facilitated by Carole Fullerton titled: Using Good Questions as a Gateway to Mathematical Understanding in Diverse Classrooms. One aspect of the workshop had Carole Fullerton leading a group of Grade 1 and Grade 2 students through a rich problem solving…

Dec 9, 2019 · Lisa Coulter

Making Connections at South Oaks School

Strong Connections is a valuable time for teachers and students to create relationships.  Kelsey Berkowski is a Grade 3/4 multi age teacher at South Oaks School and she created many opportunities to build connections with her students during these 2 days of Strong Connections.  Kelsey taught Grade 3 last year and was able to carry…

Nov 7, 2019 · Lisa Coulter

Nurturing Collaboration Through Play in Kindergarten

How can we nurture collaboration through play? How can we grow collaborators through play? These questions guided many learning experiences that involved Kindergarten students at South Oaks School learning about collaboration specifically through play. The classroom teacher and I thought about how we could grow the collaboration skills of her students and decided play would…

Nov 3, 2019 · Lisa Coulter

Collaboration at Southwood School

How can we find time to collaborate?  Is there a way to join our classes together so we can team teach and explore these math ideas together? How can we be creative with our time? These are a few of the questions that came from two Grade 1 teachers at Southwood School. These questions arose…

Nov 1, 2019 · Lisa Coulter