Leveraging Digital in our Classrooms

The SAMR model is not new, but it is an excellent reference point for educators. The SAMR model is a progression that categorizes various applications based on the level of technology innovation required to use the application effectively. The SAMR model was created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. He is the Founder and President of Hippasus. This consulting firm focuses on transformative applications of information technologies to education.

S= Substitution: Technology acts as a substitute with no functional change to technology.
A= Augmentation: Technology works as a direct substitute with functional improvement.
M= Modification: Technology allows for significant task redesign.
R= Redefinition: Technology allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable.

Here is a screenshot of the SAMR model with the use of Google Apps.

In addition, here is an excellent link to the SAMR model as it relates to Apple applications used on an iPad.

It is important to remember that there is fluidity in categorizing various applications. Some applications can fit in multiple categories within the SAMR model based on how the student is using the technology. In addition, having a variety of applications for students to have access to is important. Understanding why and how to use the applications is equally important.

As we know, students are becoming more experienced with using technology and the age continues to move younger and younger. As these students learn from us as educators, it is important that we continue to teach safe searching skills with our students. A student-friendly search engine that is ideal for Kindergarten to Grade 4 is KidRex. This search engine provides students access to student-friendly content and information.

YouTubeKids is a new app available for students to use. “YouTube Kids was created to give kids a more contained environment filled with family-friendly videos on all different topics, igniting your kids’ inner creativity and playfulness. Parents and caregivers can guide the journey as your kids discover new and exciting interests along the way” (apps.apple.com, 2019).

Both KidRex and YouTubeKids apps have been deployed to all student iPads. During my school visits, I look forward to collecting feedback from teachers about the use of not only the SAMR model but also KidRex and YouTubeKids.

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