Learning Matters!
It really does! Over a dozen years ago Assistant Superintendent, Ken Klassen developed the Learning Matters format we are most familiar with. We now have a comprehensive chronicle of our learning, our work, our thinking and our journey that is over a decade long. Learning Matters is intended to inspire, provoke, stimulate and share a conversation on teaching and learning. When people in a community come together in conversation, the learning experienced and the new knowledge that emerges provides the foundation for innovation and change. And that innovation and change should always be focused on improving student learning.
So speaking of innovation and change, this past year we placed Learning Matters on hiatus in order to reconsider its format and move it to a digital platform. And now, here it is! The first ever all digital format of Learning Matters. This new format makes Learning Matters more accessible, interactive and collaborative. With time we hope that many will have the opportunity to contribute and participate in this valuable online conversation on learning and teaching. I invite you to read through it, to engage in it, to think about it, to be provoked by it and to continue a rich and essential conversation of teaching and learning throughout Hanover School Division. I offer my congratulations and thanks to Assistant Superintendent Colin Campbell and Communications Manager Bob Wiebe on this inaugural edition of the new Learning Matters.
Let’s keep talking, let’s keep exploring, and let’s keep learning together. It matters.
Randy Dueck, Superintendent-CEO