Rhonda Kubanek

As a learning coach, I benefit from entering many classrooms with children of many ages. My love is to hear students of all ages engage in ideas collaboratively and be courageous enough to share and grow their understandings as well as their perspectives. My desire is that core and curricular competencies will be developed and that learning will be fun and ultimately transfer and transform ideas to positively impact our world!  A couple of years ago when a colleague kept nudging me with the question of why deep learning was important, I synthesized my learning by saying that it empowers us to live deeply as a member of a global community where we have respect and empathy for others.

Interestingly enough, our global community is seemingly in a constant state of change – technology, education, health, eating habits, dress – there is hardly anything in life that is not changing. What are we doing to prepare our students for this?  Here is a recently read quote from John Hattie’s Visible Learning book that gave me renewed purpose for helping our students thrive in this ever changing world:

“School is a time to apprentice students into the act of becoming their own teachers; to be self-directed, have the dispositions needed to formulate their own questions, and possess the tools to pursue them.”

In addition to supporting two schools with a focus on our divisional priorities, I have a particular interest in the area of literacy. The new ELA curriculum is empowering and I love working in the four practices. If you are looking for someone to support you in this area, you know where to find me!


Learning to Do… Learning to Be…

Developing Competencies For Life Global competence is having the tools to meet the problems and opportunities of this world.  As we develop combinations of attitudes/dispositions, skills, and knowledge, we are actually developing the competencies that help us to thrive in living and learning. These are developed over time and through circumstances, and can be viewed…

Jan 13, 2020 · Rhonda Kubanek

John Hattie's Barometer of Influene

Know Your Impact – Collaborative Learning Sprints

Working Effectively I’ve never met a teacher out there that doesn’t ultimately want to have a significant impact in students’ lives; to be a contributing factor in their learning so that they will, for the current and the future, not just cope but thrive in life. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be working so hard at our…

Nov 26, 2019 · Rhonda Kubanek

Using Problem Solving to Help Build Mathematical Competence

What is Mathematical Competence? As teachers, whether at PD sessions or in colleague conversations, most of us have had a conversation around what makes a student competent in math.  A recent mRLC session in Portage La Prairie with Carole Fullerton began with this question, “What is mathematical competence?”  After dialogue, we, as a group of…

Nov 15, 2019 · Rhonda Kubanek

Developing a Powerful Understanding of Self, Others, and the World

“Using picture books and other texts to teach different reading comprehension strategies is helpful as a starting point but is not the goal. Ultimately, the goal is to help students become strategic readers and thinkers.” -adapted from Adrienne Gear The start of a new school year coincides with lots of ‘big picture’ planning for teachers.…

Nov 5, 2019 · Rhonda Kubanek

We All Need Mentors In Our Lives…Writers Workshop

For anyone who has been afraid to try something, Drew Sheneman’s wordless (almost) picture book titled, Nope! is inspiring as a baby bird’s fear of flying is overcome when his mama gives him a swift kick out of the nest, surprisingly bringing him much joy. In this book, young readers can ‘read’ the story through…

Nov 1, 2019 · Rhonda Kubanek